WebQuest Lengua Extranjera Inglés Population
Publicado el 18 Junio de 2013
Autor: Gabriela Ibarra
The population of a certain places is the amount of people living in it at a certain time. People can be classified in different groups, for example, according to their age they belong to an age group, if they are working or not, if they are moving in a city or moving out, etc.
Ficha técnica
Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: Entre 13-14 años
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Diagramas de flujo - proceso
.What do you think about Los Angeles ? Is this a good place for you to live? Will you find a lot of people your age ? Are there many amusement parks? Which type of geography does it have? What is the weather like there? Which are the main touristic places?
- .Geography
- Locate California in the world. Use google maps. Copy paste on word.
- Locate Los Angeles in California. Use google maps. Copy paste on word
- Research about its geography . Use Wikipedia. copy paste information.
- Population
- Reasearch about the population of LA.
- Illustrate
- Use google - images to find pictures to illustrate your work. Copy paste.
El trabajo debe incluir TODOS los punto mencionados.
Debe entregarse antes del fin de mes.
La portada debe contener: nombre completo , grupo, número de lista.
*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.