Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés My Family
My Family
Publicado el 18 Septiembre de 2013
Autor: Wilson Valencia
With this project students will present their family members telling some important facts about them, for example: name, age, accupation, etc.
Ficha técnica
Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: - Entre 17 y mas de 17 años - No hay restriccion de edad
Duración: One hour One hour One hour One hour One hour Two hours Two hours Two hours
Auto Aplicaciones
Herramientas: tomar apuntes en clase
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1. Students will recognize some family members.
2. They describe their families.
3. They use the Verb To Be in affirmative, negative and interrogative way in the Present Tense.
4. They learn new vocabulary related to the family
?5. Use the possessive with ´S
6. They lern to work in groups.
To accomplish with the project, students will...
1. Make a list of words related to family and occupations
2. Make some exercises in class related to the family.
3. Write a description about 6 or more members of the family
?4. Make a poster with pictures of the members of the family and write their names, relationship with the students, age, accupation, etc.
5. Make an oral presentation about his/her family in front of the class.
To present the project to students
To learn new vocabulary related to family
Get closer to their final presentation with an example of a description of a family.
To practice the vocabulary and members of the family with a writing exercise.
To practice pronunciation with the presentation of Denni´s family
Writing a sketch of an oral presentation about his/her family
Making the poster to complement the final oral presentation
Final oral presentations
Actividades Docente
Ask some questions to students related to the family:
​How many people do you live with?
What daes your mother or father do?
Do you have brothers or sisters?
Where does your brither study?
Help to students to find and choose vocabulary related to family and bring dictionaries to the classroom
Brings to class an example of a description of a family: Dennis´s Family
Brings to the class photocopies with an exercise (1 for every 2 students) to complete information about a family
Plays the presenttion of Denni´s family and explains some tips about pronunciation and the target topics.
Helps and guides students to write their sketches about an oral presentation about families.
Helps and guides students to make the posters.
Watches and qualifies the final oral presentations according with the rubrics.
Actividades Estudiante
Amswer the questions
Write a list of 50 words related to family in their notebooks
Pay attention to the description and ask questions about it
Work by couples and complete the exercise in the photocopy.
Participate, pronounce and ask questions about the target topics.
Write the sketches of an oral presentation about the families.
Bring elements to the classroom to make their posters
Make their final oral presentations according with the rubrics.
*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.