Modulos Módulo Inglés Nivel 6

Level 6/Module 1/Icesi. How To Boost Your Professional Profile Using Social Media?


The purpose of this task is to encourage students to use Social Media as a tool to boost their professional profile. The task consist of creating an effective professional profile in LinkedIn. 

The learning objectives of the module 1 level 6 at Icesi  are:

- dados textos interpretativos y expositivos relacionados con el éxito y las emociones en situaciones sociales específicas, analizar los factores que suscitan emociones y los que llevan al éxito profesional.

- sustentar de manera oral y escrita su punto de vista sobre las habilidades y talentos necesarios para sobresalir en un entorno dado.

- intercambiar opiniones sustentadas sobre cómo alcanzar logros específicos

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: No hay restriccion de edad

Duración:Lengua Extranjera



Presentadores multimedia



Learning objective of the task

- To discuss how to create a good professional profile in LinkedIn

- To give some advice of how to create an attractive professional profile in Social Media



The requirements are:

- Students need to get familiar with vocabulary about emotions and job skills

- Students need to get familiar with the use of Social Media, specifically Linkedin

- Students should review some expressions such as:

 If you want to become/or be successful in  a profession you need to...

If you want to create a good professional profile you should..


Follow the PPT guide

Actividades Docente


1- The teacher needs to open a LinkedIn account and learn how to use it. The idea is to show students that he/she is going through the same experience

2. The teacher should follow the steps of the lesson plan in the PPT. Of course, there can be modifications based on students' profiles.

3. The teacher can introduce vocabulary and grammar of the units of the book during the different activities described in the lesson plan. Besides, he/she can ask students to use the vocabulary of the book and look for more as they discuss and create their LinkedIn

Actividades Estudiante


1- Open their LinkedIn account

2- Make sure to use the vocabulary and the grammar learned in the units. However, they need to explore and recycle more linguistic repertoire previously learned. 


Use the following rubric for the LinkedIn





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